Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 59: Viśvāmitra Assures Triśaṅku
Text 1.59.10
ते च शिष्याः समागम्य मुनिं ज्वलिततेजसम्।
ऊचुश्च वचनं सर्वे सर्वेषां ब्रह्मवादिनाम्॥
te ca śiṣyāḥ samāgamya muniṁ jvalita-tejasam
ūcuś ca vacanaṁ sarve sarveṣāṁ brahma-vādinām
te ca śiṣyāḥ = the disciples of Viśvāmitra; samāgamya = returned and; munim = to Viśvāmitra Muni; jvalita-tejasam = of blazing prowess; ūcuḥ ca = related; vacanam = the words; sarve = all; sarveṣām brahma-vādinām = spoken by the Vedic sages.
All the disciples of Viśvāmitra returned and related to Viśvāmitra Muni of blazing prowess the words spoken by all the Vedic sages.