Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 59: Viśvāmitra Assures Triśaṅku
Text 1.59.20

महोदयश्च दुर्बुद्धिर्माम् अदूष्यं ह्यदूषयत्।
दूषितः सर्वलोकेषु निषादत्वं गमिष्यति॥

mahodayaś ca durbuddhir mām adūṣyaṁ hy adūṣayat
sarva-lokeṣu niṣādatvaṁ gamiṣyati

mahodayaḥ ca durbuddhiḥ = the unintelligent Mahodaya; mām = me; adūṣyam hi = though I am not worthy of such criticism; adūṣayat = has criticized; dūṣitaḥ = therefore, himself being criticized; sarva-lokeṣu = in all the worlds; niṣādatvam gamiṣyati = he shall become a niṣāda.

The unintelligent Mahodaya has criticized me though I am not worthy of such criticism. Therefore, himself being criticized in all the worlds, he shall become a niṣāda.