Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 59: Viśvāmitra Assures Triśaṅku
Text 1.59.3
अहमामन्त्रये सर्वान्महर्षीन्पुण्यकर्मणः।
यज्ञसाह्यकरान्राजंस्ततो यक्ष्यसि निर्वृतः॥
aham āmantraye sarvān maha-rṣīn puṇya-karmaṇaḥ
yajña-sāhyakarān rājaṁs tato yakṣyasi nirvṛtaḥ
aham = I; āmantraye = shall invite; sarvān mahā-ṛṣīn = all the maharṣis; puṇya-karmaṇaḥ = of pious activity; yajña-sāhyakarān = who shall assist in the sacrifice; rājan = O king; tataḥ = then; yakṣyasi = you will be able to have the sacrifice conducted; nirvṛtaḥ = with satisfaction.
I shall invite all the maharṣis of pious activity who shall assist in the sacrifice. O king, then you will be able to have the sacrifice conducted with satisfaction.