Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 6: The Residents of Ayodhyā
Text 1.6.15

नाषडङ्गविदत्रासीन्नाव्रतो नासहस्रदः।
न दीनः क्षिप्तचित्तो वा व्यथितो वापि कश्चन॥

nāṣaḍ-aṅgavid atrāsīn nāvrato nāsahasradaḥ
na dīnaḥ kṣipta-citto vyathito vāpi kaścana

na = no; aṣaḍ-aṅgavit = who had not learned the six Vedāṅgas; atra = one here; asīt = there was; na = no; avrataḥ = one who was not engaged in vows like the Cāndrāyaṇa; na = there was no; asahasradaḥ = one not giving abundant charity of gold and so on; na = no; dīnaḥ = wretched; kṣipta-cittaḥ = with troubled minds; = or; vyathitaḥ = disturbed with diseases; api = and so on; kaścana = a single person.

There was no one here who had not learned the six Vedāṅgas. There was no one who was not engaged in vows like the Cāndrāyaṇa, no one not giving abundant charity of gold and so on, not a single person wretched, with troubled minds or disturbed with diseases and so on.1

The six Vedāṅgas are: Śikṣā, Kalpa, Vyākaraṇa, Nirukti, Chandas and Jyotiṣa.

1 Asahasradaḥ literally means “not giving charity to thousands” or “not giving charity by the thousands.” In Daśaratha’s kingdom, everyone gave charity to this extent.