ततः परमसम्भ्रान्ताः सर्षिसङ्घाः सुरासुराः।
सकिन्नरमहायक्षाः सहसिद्धाः सचारणाः।
विश्वामित्रं महात्मानमूचुः सानुनयं वचः॥
tataḥ parama-sambhrāntāḥ sarṣi-saṅghāḥ surāsurāḥ
sakinnara-mahā-yakṣāḥ saha-siddhāḥ sacāraṇāḥ
viśvāmitraṁ mahātmānam ūcuḥ sānunayaṁ vacaḥ
tataḥ = thereupon; parama-sambhrāntāḥ = extremely confused; sa-ṛṣi-saṅghāḥ = accompanied by the ṛṣis; sura-asurāḥ = the suras and asuras; sa-kinnara-mahā-yakṣāḥ = kinnaras, great yakṣas; saha-siddhāḥ = siddhas; sa-cāraṇāḥ = and cāraṇas; viśvāmitram = Viśvāmitra; mahā-ātmānam = unto the great soul; ūcuḥ = spoke; sa-anunayam = courteously; vacaḥ = the following words.
Thereupon, extremely confused, the suras and asuras, accompanied by the ṛṣis, kinnaras, great yakṣas, siddhas and cāraṇas, courteously spoke the following words unto the great soul Viśvāmitra.
All of them became extremely confused because they could not at all tolerate such a counter-creation [of celestial beings].