Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 60: Triśaṅku Blessed
Text 1.60.27-28

स्वर्गोऽस्तु सशरीरस्य त्रिशङ्कोरस्य शाश्वतः।
नक्षत्राणि च सर्वाणि मामकानि ध्रुवाण्यथ॥

यावल्लोका धरिष्यन्ति तिष्ठन्त्वेतानि सर्वशः।
मत्कृतानि सुराः सर्वे तदनुज्ञातुमर्हथ॥

svargo ‘stu saśarīrasya triśaṅkor asya śāśvataḥ
ca sarvāṇi māmakāni dhruvāṇy atha

yāval lokā dhariṣyanti tiṣṭhantv etāni sarvaśaḥ
surāḥ sarve tad anujñātum arhatha

svargaḥ = Svarga; astu = let be; sa-śarīrasya triśaṅkoḥ asya = the place where Triśaṅku is; śāśvataḥ = an eternal; nakṣatrāṇi ca sarvāṇi = let all of the stars; māmakāni = created by me; dhruvāṇi atha = permanent; yāvat lokāḥ = as long as the earth and other worlds; dhariṣyanti = survive; tiṣṭhantu etāni = be; sarvaśaḥ = in every manner; mat-kṛtāni = because they have been created by me; surāḥ sarve = all of you demigods; tat = this; anujñātum arhatha = should permit.

Let the place where Triśaṅku is be an eternal Svarga and let all of the stars created by me be permanent in every manner as long as the earth and other worlds survive.1 All of you demigods should permit this because they have been created by me.

1 The Svarga created by Viśvāmitra is eternal in the sense spelt out clearly in the verse itself. It will survive as long as the earth and other planets last. It is not eternal like the spiritual world of Vaikuṇṭha. This should be clearly understood.