Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 60: Triśaṅku Blessed
Text 1.60.9

ऋत्विजश्चानुपूर्व्येण मन्त्रवन् मन्त्रकोविदाः।
चक्रुः सर्वाणि कर्माणि यथाकल्पं यथाविधि॥

ṛtvijaś cānupūrvyeṇa mantravan mantra-kovidāḥ
sarvāṇi karmāṇi yathā-kalpaṁ yathā-vidhi

ṛtvijaḥ ca = the ṛtvik priests; ānupūrvyeṇa = in [the right] order; mantravat = with [the right] mantras; mantra-kovidāḥ = expert in mantras; cakruḥ sarvāṇi karmāṇi = carried out all of the scriptural procedures; yathā-kalpam = in accordance with the Kalpa-sūtras; yathā-vidhi = and other Vedic scriptures.

The ṛtvik priests expert in mantras carried out all of the scriptural procedures in [the right] order with [the right] mantras in accordance with the Kalpa-sūtras and other Vedic scriptures.