Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 62: Śunaḥśepa Saved
Text 1.62.13

मुनेस् तु वचनं श्रुत्वा मधुष्यन्दादयः सुताः।
साभिमानं नरश्रेष्ठ सलीलमिदमब्रुवन्॥

munes tu vacanaṁ śrutvā madhuṣyandādayaḥ sutāḥ
nara-śreṣṭha salīlam idam abruvan

muneḥ tu vacanam śrutvā = hearing the sage’s words; madhuṣyanda-ādayaḥ sutāḥ = his sons headed by Madhuṣyanda; sābhimānam = with pride; nara-śreṣṭha = O best of men; salīlam idam abruvan = joked at him as follows.

O best of men, hearing the sage’s words, his sons headed by Madhuṣyanda, joked at him with pride as follows.