Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 62: Śunaḥśepa Saved
Text 1.62.5

त्राता त्वं हि नरश्रेष्ठ सर्वेषां त्वं हि भावनः॥

trātā tvaṁ hi nara-śreṣṭha sarveṣāṁ tvaṁ hi bhāvanaḥ

trātā tvam hi = you are indeed my protector; nara-śreṣṭha = O best of men; sarveṣām = upon all; tvam = you; hi = certainly; bhāvanaḥ = bestow good.

O best of men, you are indeed my protector. You certainly bestow good upon all.

Bhāvanaḥ indicates that Viśvāmitra caused everyone to be benefitted.