Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 63: Viśvāmitra Falls Prey to Lust
Text 1.63.12

अहोरात्रापदेशेन गताः संवत्सरा दश।
काममोहाभिभूतस्य विघ्नोऽयं प्रत्युपस्थितः॥

aho-rātrāpadeśena gatāḥ saṁvatsarā daśa
vighno ‘yaṁ pratyupasthitaḥ

ahaḥ-rātra-apadeśena = as if they were just a day and night; gatāḥ = passed for Viśvāmitra; saṁvatsarāḥ daśa = [Thus] ten years; kāma-moha-abhibhūtasya = when he was overwhelmed by the delusion of lust; vighnaḥ ayam pratyupasthitaḥ = in this manner his austerities were obstructed.

[Thus] ten years passed as if they were just a day and night for Viśvāmitra when he was overwhelmed by the delusion of lust. In this manner his austerities were obstructed.