Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 63: Viśvāmitra Falls Prey to Lust
Text 1.63.11

बुद्धिर्मुनेः समुत्पन्ना सामर्षा रघुनन्दन।
सर्वं सुराणां कर्मैतत्तपोऽपहरणं महत्॥

buddhir muneḥ samutpannā sāmarṣā raghu-nandana
surāṇāṁ karmaitat tapo-’paharaṇaṁ mahat

buddhiḥ muneḥ samutpannā = the sage then realized; sa-amarṣā = in anger; raghu-nandana = O beloved descendant of Raghu; sarvam surāṇām karma etat = that this was the work of the demigods; tapaḥ-apaharaṇam mahat = great loss of his austerities.

O beloved descendant of Raghu, the sage then realized in anger that this great loss of his austerities was the work of the demigods.