Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 63: Viśvāmitra Falls Prey to Lust
Text 1.63.17

आमन्त्रयन्समागम्य सर्वे सर्षिगणाः सुराः।
महर्षिशब्दं लभतां साध्वयं कुशिकात्मजः॥

āmantrayan samāgamya sarve sarṣi-gaṇāḥ surāḥ
labhatāṁ sādhv ayaṁ kuśikātmajaḥ

āmantrayan = and beseeched him; samāgamya = approached Lord Brahma; sarve = all; sa-rṣiḥ-gaṇāḥ = and ṛṣis; surāḥ = the demigods; maha-rṣi-śabdam = the title ‘maharṣi’; labhatām = bestow; sādhu = kindly; ayam kuśika-atmajaḥ = upon the son of Kuśika.

All the demigods and ṛṣis approached Lord Brahma and beseeched him, “Kindly bestow upon the son of Kuśika the title ‘maharṣi’.”