बहुभिः कारणैर्देव विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः।
लोभितः क्रोधितश्चैव तपसा चाभिवर्धते।
न ह्यस्य वृजिनं किञ्चिद्दृश्यते सूक्ष्ममप्युत॥
bahubhiḥ kāraṇair deva viśvāmitro mahā-muniḥ
lobhitaḥ krodhitaś caiva tapasā cābhivardhate
na hy asya vṛjinaṁ kiñcid dṛśyate sūkṣmam apy uta
bahubhiḥ kāraṇaiḥ = by various means; deva = O Lord; viśvāmitraḥ = Viśvāmitra; mahā-muniḥ = the great sage; lobhitaḥ = has been allured; krodhitaḥ = and angered; ca eva = and; tapasā = in austerity; ca = yet; abhivardhate = he only increases; na hi = not; asya = in him; vṛjinam = contamination; kiñcit = even; dṛśyate = we do see; sūkṣmam api uta = a slight.
O Lord, the great sage Viśvāmitra has been allured and angered by various means, and yet he only increases in austerity. We do not see even a slight contamination in him.
Viśvāmitra had been allured by showing him Rambhā and other causes of allurement. He had been angered by Indra when he begged for all of his cooked rice at the end of one thousand years [of penance] and by other causes of anger. The demigods and other celestials could not detect even a slight contamination, that is, even a bit of sinful reactions characterized by attachment, aversion and so on.