Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 65: Viśvāmitra Becomes a Brahmarṣi
Text 1.65.19

पितामहवचः श्रुत्वा सर्वेषां च दिवौकसाम्।
कृत्वा प्रणामं मुदितो व्याजहार महामुनिः॥

pitāmaha-vacaḥ śrutvā sarveṣāṁ ca divaukasām
praṇāmaṁ mudito vyājahāra mahā-muniḥ

pitāmaha-vacaḥ = the words of the grandfather [of the universe]; śrutvā = hearing; sarveṣām ca = and all; diva-okasām = the residents of the heavens; kṛtvā praṇāmam = offered his obeisances and; muditaḥ = the delighted; vyājahāra = spoke as follows; mahā-muniḥ = great sage.

Hearing the words of the grandfather [of the universe] and all the residents of the heavens, the delighted great sage offered his obeisances and spoke as follows.

Most of the words had been spoken by Lord Brahmā.