Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 68: Daśaratha Delighted
Text 1.68.13

प्रीतिं च मम राजेन्द्र निर्वर्तयितुमर्हसि।
पुत्रयोरुभयोरेव प्रीतिं त्वमपि लप्स्यसे॥

prītiṁ ca mama rājendra nirvartayitum arhasi
ubhayor eva prītiṁ tvam api lapsyase

prītim ca mama rāja-indra nirvartayitum arhasi = O emperor, you should make me happy; putrayoḥ ubhayoḥ eva = with your sons; prītim tvam api lapsyase = and you will also be happy.

O emperor, you should make me happy and you will also be happy with your sons.

Janaka wanted Daśaratha to make him happy by [coming to Mithilā and] seeing him, and by having him bestow his daughter [to Rāma]. Putrayoḥ ubhayoḥ can indicate that Daśaratha would be happy to see (1) his son and Janaka’s daughter—he would be happy to see their auspicious wedding, and (2) his sons Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa, for Janaka had already concluded that he would give Ūrmilā to Lakṣmaṇa in marriage.

NOTE. Mother Sītā will later relate that even after Lord Rāma broke Lord Śiva’s bow, He did not want to accept her hand unless and until His father expressed his desire that Rāma marry Sītā. (Rāmāyaṇa 2.118.51).