Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 68: Daśaratha Delighted
Text 1.68.19

मन्त्रिणो बाढमित्य् आहुः सह सर्वैर्महर्षिभिः।
सुप्रीतश्चाब्रवीद्राजा श्वो यात्रेति स मन्त्रिणः॥

mantriṇo bāḍham ity āhuḥ saha sarvair maha-rṣibhiḥ
cābravīd rājā śvo yātreti sa mantriṇaḥ

mantriṇaḥ = the ministers; bāḍham iti = very good; āhuḥ = said; saha = and; sarvaiḥ = all; maha-rṣibhiḥ = the great sages; suprītaḥ = became very happy; ca = and; abravīt = told; rājā = the king; śvaḥ = tomorrow; yātrā iti = arrange for our journey; sa-mantriṇaḥ = his ministers.

The ministers and all the great sages said, “Very good!” The king became very happy and told his ministers, “Arrange for our journey tomorrow.”