Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 68: Daśaratha Delighted
Text 1.68.5-6

मैथिलो जनको राजा साग्निहोत्रपुरस्कृतः।
कुशलं चाव्ययं चैव सोपाध्यायपुरोहितम्॥

मुहुर्मुहुर्मधुरया स्नेहसंयुक्तया गिरा।
जनकस्त्वां महाराजापृच्छते सपुरःसरम्॥

maithilo janako rājā sāgnihotra-puraskṛtaḥ
cāvyayaṁ caiva sopādhyāya-purohitam

muhur muhur madhurayā sneha-saṁyuktayā girā
tvāṁ mahā-rājāpṛcchate sapuraḥsaram

maithilaḥ = the Lord of Mithilā; janakaḥ rājā = King Janaka [inquires]; sa-agnihotra-puraskṛtaḥ = with the agnihotra sacrifice in front of him; kuśalaṁ ca = about the welfare of Your Highness; avyayam ca eva = and about your prosperity; sa-upādhyāya-purohitam = your preceptors, priests; muhuḥ muhuḥ = repeatedly; madhurayā = with sweet; sneha-saṁyuktayā = filled with affection; girā = words; janakaḥ = King Janaka; tvām = after you; mahārāja = O Māhāraja; āpṛcchate = inquires through us; sa-puraḥsaram = and servants.

King Janaka, the Lord of Mithilā, with the agnihotra sacrifice in front of him, repeatedly inquires with sweet words filled with affection through us about the welfare of Your Highness, your preceptors, priests and servants. O Māhāraja, King Janaka also inquires after you and about your prosperity.1

Sapuraḥsaram indicates that Janaka inquired about the welfare of Daśaratha’s followers, that is, his servants. Kuśalam indicates that King Janaka inquired if Daśaratha’s kṣema was in place, that is, if Daśaratha was able to protect everything in his kingdom from loss or theft. Avyayam indicates that King Janaka inquired if Daśaratha’s yoga was in place, that is, if Daśaratha was able to acquire everything required to rule his kingdom properly.

NOTE. According to the artha-śāstras or scriptures teaching governance, a king should provide yoga-kṣema to his citizens. In his commentary on Bhagavad-gītā 2.45, Śrīla Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa remarks, alabdha-lābho yogaḥ, “Yoga refers to acquisition of what has not been acquired” and labdhasya parirakṣaṇaṁ kṣemam, “Kṣema refers to protection of that which has been acquired.”

The Supreme Personality of Godhead Kṛṣṇa has clearly declared in Bhagavad-gītā 9.22 that He provides yoga-kṣema to His surrendered devotees:

ananyāś cintayanto māṁ ye janāḥ paryupāsate
nityābhiyuktānāṁ yoga-kṣemaṁ vahāmy aham

“But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form—to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have.”

1 Texts 5-6 comprise a single sentence in Sanskrit. Janakaḥ appears twice in it. The second janakaḥ indicates that King Janaka of Mithilā gives happiness (kaḥ) to his citizens (jana) by ruling them properly.