Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 69: Daśaratha Reaches Mithilā
Text 1.69.10

स्वागतं ते महाराज दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि राघव।
पुत्रयोरुभयोः प्रीतिं लप्स्यसे वीर्यनिर्जिताम्॥

svāgataṁ te mahā-rāja diṣṭyā prāpto ‘si rāghava
ubhayoḥ prītiṁ lapsyase vīrya-nirjitām

svāgatam te = welcome; mahā-rāja = O great king; diṣṭyā = it is my good fortune; prāptaḥ asi = that you have arrived here; rāghava = O descendant of Raghu; putrayoḥ ubhayoḥ = of your two sons; prītim lapsyase = you will be happy; vīrya-nirjitām = due to the prowess.

O great king, welcome. O descendant of Raghu, it is my good fortune that you have arrived here. You will be happy due to the prowess of your two sons.

Daśaratha would be happy because of the prowess of his two sons exhibited in breaking the bow of Lord Śiva [and other heroic activities].