Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 69: Daśaratha Reaches Mithilā
Text 1.69.18

अथ रामो महातेजा लक्ष्मणेन समं ययौ।
विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य पितुः पादावुपस्पृशन्॥

atha rāmo mahā-tejā lakṣmaṇena samaṁ yayau
puraskṛtya pituḥ pādāv upaspṛśan

atha = then; rāmaḥ = Rāma; mahā-tejāḥ = of great prowess; lakṣmaṇena samam = and Lakṣmaṇa; yayau = came; viśvāmitram = Viśvāmitra; puraskṛtya = kept in front of Them and; pituḥ = of their father; pādau = the feet; upaspṛśan = to touch.

Then Rāma of great prowess and Lakṣmaṇa kept Viśvāmitra in front of Them and came to touch the feet of Their father.