Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 7: King Daśaratha’s Ministers
Text 1.7.14
शुचीनामेकबुद्धीनां सर्वेषां सम्प्रजानताम्।
नासीत्पुरे वा राष्ट्रे वा मृषावादी नरः क्वचित्॥
śucīnām eka-buddhīnāṁ sarveṣāṁ samprajānatām
nāsīt pure vā rāṣṭre vā mṛṣā-vādī naraḥ kvacit
śucīnām = were pure; eka-buddhīnām = and unanimous; sarveṣām = because all of these ministers; samprajānatām = and because they analyzed the functioning of the government; na = not; asīt = there was; pure vā = of the city; rāṣṭre vā = or country; mṛṣā-vādī = who spoke untruth; naraḥ = even one man; kvacit = in any part.
Because all of these ministers were pure and unanimous, and because they analyzed the functioning of the government, there was not even one man who spoke untruth in any part of the city or country.
The author now reveals the result of having ministers with such excellences in two verses. These ministers were pure in the sense that their thought, speech and action were in line with each other.
NOTE. Śrīla Prabhupāda notes the meaning of being truthful in Bhagavad-gītā 10.4-5 purport: “Satyam, truthfulness, means that facts should be presented as they are, for the benefit of others. Facts should not be misrepresented.”