Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 70: Rāma’s Noble Lineage
Text 1.70.24
त्रिशङ्कोरभवत्पुत्रो धुन्धुमारो महायशाः।
धुन्धुमारान्महातेजा युवनाश्वो महारथः।
युवनाश्वसुतस्त्वासीन्मान्धाता पृथिवीपतिः॥
triśaṅkor abhavat putro dhundhumāro mahā-yaśāḥ
dhundhumārān mahā-tejā yuvanāśvo mahā-rathaḥ
yuvanāśva-sutas tv āsīn māndhātā pṛthivī-patiḥ
triśaṅkoḥ = Triśaṅku’s; abhavat = was; putraḥ = son; dhundhumāraḥ = Dhundhumāra; mahā-yaśāḥ = of great fame; dhundhumārāt = Dundhumāra’s son; mahā-tejāḥ = of great prowess; yuvanāśvaḥ = was Yuvanāśva; mahā-rathaḥ = the Mahāratha; yuvanāśva-sutaḥ tu = Yuvanāśva’s son; āsīt = was; māndhātā = Māndhātā; pṛthivī-patiḥ = the Lord of earth.
Triśaṅku’s son was Dhundhumāra of great fame. Dundhumāra’s son was the Mahāratha Yuvanāśva of great prowess. Yuvanāśva’s son was Māndhātā, the Lord of earth.