Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 70: Rāma’s Noble Lineage
Text 1.70.34

तव कुक्षौ महाभागे सुपुत्रः सुमहाबलः।
महावीर्यो महातेजा अचिरात्सञ्जनिष्यति।
गरेण सहितः श्रीमान्मा शुचः कमलेक्षणे॥

tava kukṣau mahā-bhāge suputraḥ sumahā-balaḥ
mahā-tejā acirāt sañjaniṣyati
sahitaḥ śrīmān śucaḥ kamalekṣaṇe

tava = in your womb; kukṣau mahā-bhāge = O greatly fortunate one; su-putraḥ = is a good son; su-mahā-balaḥ = of extremely great strength; mahā-vīryaḥ = great heroism; mahā-tejāḥ = and great prowess; acirāt = soon; sañjaniṣyati = you will give birth to him; gareṇa sahitaḥ = [though] he was [given food] with poison by your co-wife; śrīmān = he will be splendorous; śucaḥ = don’t worry about the poison given to him; kamala-īkṣaṇe O lotus eyed onṭ

O greatly fortunate one, in your womb is a good son of extremely great strength, great heroism and great prowess. You will give birth to him soon. He will be splendorous, [though] he was [given food] with poison by your co-wife. O lotus eyed one, don’t worry about the poison given to him.