Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 72: Daśaratha’s Charity Before the Wedding
Text 1.72.8

उभयोरपि राजेन्द्र सम्बन्धेनानुबध्यताम्।
इक्ष्वाकोः कुलमव्यग्रं भवतः पुण्यकर्मणः॥

ubhayor api rājendra sambandhenānubadhyatām
kulam avyagraṁ bhavataḥ puṇya-karmaṇaḥ

ubhayoḥ api = let the two dynasties; rāja-indra = O emperor; sambandhena = through a matrimonial alliance of these couples; anubadhyatām = be bonded; ikṣvākoḥ = Ikṣvāku’s; kulam = dynasty; avyagram = is spotless; bhavataḥ = and your dynasty; puṇya-karmaṇaḥ = is filled with persons of pious acts.

O emperor, let the two dynasties be bonded through a matri-monial alliance of these couples. Ikṣvāku’s dynasty is spotless and your dynasty is filled with persons of pious acts.

Viśvāmitra and Vasiṣṭha pointed out that through a matrimonial alliance, these two dynasties could make each other exalted.