Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 73: The Grand Wedding of Sītā and Rāma
Text 1.73.24

त्वया न विदितं किञ्चिन्नास्ति ब्रह्मविदां वर।
तस्मात्त्वमेव ब्रह्मर्षे अशेषं कर्तुमर्हसि॥

tvayā na viditaṁ kiñcin nāsti brahmavidāṁ vara
tvam eva brahma-rṣe aśeṣaṁ kartum arhasi

tvayā na viditam kiñcit na asti = there is nothing unknown to you; brahmavidām vara = O best of the knowers of Brahman; tasmāt = so; tvam eva = you; brahma-rṣe = O brahmaṛṣi; aśeṣam kartum arhasi = should carry out this ceremony in its entirety.

O best of the knowers of Brahman, there is nothing unknown to you. So, O brahmaṛṣi, you should carry out this ceremony in its entirety.