Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 73: The Grand Wedding of Sītā and Rāma
Text 1.73.3

केकयाधिपती राजा स्नेहात्कुशलमब्रवीत्।
येषां कुशलकामोऽसि तेषां सम्प्रत्यनामयम्॥

kekayādhipatī rājā snehāt kuśalam abravīt
kuśala-kāmo ’si teṣāṁ sampraty anāmayam

kekaya-adhipatiḥ = and ruler of Kekaya; rājā = my father, the king; snehāt = affectionately; kuśalam = his desire for your welfare; abravīt = expressed; yeṣām = whose; kuśala-kāmaḥ asi = whose welfare you desire; teṣām = all of them; samprati = are currently; anāmayam = fine.

My father, the king and ruler of Kekaya, affectionately expressed his desire for your welfare. All of them whose welfare you desire are currently fine.