Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 73: The Grand Wedding of Sītā and Rāma
Text 1.73.46

अथोपकार्यां जग्मुस्ते सभार्या रघुनन्दनाः।
राजाप्यनुययौ पश्यन्सर्षिसङ्घः सबान्धवः॥

athopakāryāṁ jagmus te sabhāryā raghu-nandanāḥ
anuyayau paśyan sarṣi-saṅghaḥ sabāndhavaḥ

atha = then; upakāryām = to Their residential camp; jagmuḥ = went; te = those; sa-bhāryāḥ = with Their wives; raghu-nandanāḥ = beloved descendants of Raghu; rājā = King Daśaratha; api = also; anuyayau = followed; paśyan = seeing his sons with Their wives; sarṣi-saṅghaḥ = the sages; sa-bāndhavaḥ = and his relatives.

Then, those beloved descendants of Raghu went to Their residential camp with Their wives. Seeing his sons with Their wives, King Daśaratha, the sages and his relatives also followed.