Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 76: Lord Rāma Strings Lord Viṣṇu’s bow
Text 1.76.2

श्रुतवानस्मि यत्कर्म कृतवानसि भार्गव।
अनुरुध्यामहे ब्रह्मन्पितुरानृण्यमास्थितः॥

śrutavān asmi yat karma kṛtavān asi bhārgava
brahman pitur ānṛṇyam āsthitaḥ

śrutavān asmi = I have heard; yat karma = of the activity; kṛtavān asi = you have accomplished; bhārgava = O descendant of Bhṛgu; anurudhyāmahe = we appreciate you for that; brahman = O brāhmaṇa; pituḥ = to your father; ānṛṇyam āsthitaḥ =while fulfilling your debt.

O descendant of Bhṛgu, I have heard of the activity you have accomplished while fulfilling your debt to your father. O brāhmaṇa, we appreciate you for that.

Lord Rāma had heard that Paraśurāma had fulfilled his debt to his father by killing those who had killed him. He had killed the [corrupt] kṣatriya community twenty-one times. Rāma appreciated him because a hero must certainly avenge [an adhārmika murder upon his elder].