स हतान्दृश्य रामेण स्वान्लोकांस्तपसार्जितान्।
जामदग्न्यो जगामाशु महेन्द्रं पर्वतोत्तमम्॥
sa hatān dṛśya rāmeṇa svān lokāṁs tapasārjitān
jāmadagnyo jagāmāśu mahendraṁ parvatottamam
saḥ = the; hatān = destroyed; dṛśya = upon seeing; rāmeṇa = by Rāma; svān lokān = worlds; tapasā = through his austerities; arjitān = earned; jāmadagnyaḥ = the son of Jamadagni; jagāma āśu = departed quickly; mahendram = to Mahendra; parvata uttamam = the best of mountains.
Upon seeing the worlds earned through his austerities destroyed by Rāma, the son of Jamadagni quickly departed to Mahendra, the best of mountains.1
1 Paraśurāma had the ability to see the puṇya or pious credits that he had accumulated that enable him to attain residence in the higher planetary systems in his next life. Lord Rāma had given him a choice of whether he agreed to have his ability to physically move destroyed or whether he agreed to have his puṇya destroyed. Paraśurāma had chosen the latter as the former would have prevented him from fulfilling a promise he had made to Kaśyapa whom he considered his spiritual master.