Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 76: Lord Rāma Strings Lord Viṣṇu’s bow
Text 1.76.9-10

इति ब्रुवति काकुत्स्थे भार्गवं प्रति रोषिते।
शतक्रतुमुखा देवाः पुरस्कृत्य शतक्रतुम्॥

वरायुधधरं रामं द्रष्टुं सर्षिगणाः सुराः।
पितामहं पुरस्कृत्य समेतास्तत्र सङ्घशः॥

iti bruvati kākutsthe bhārgavaṁ prati roṣite
devāḥ puraskṛtya śatakratum

varāyudha-dharaṁ rāmaṁ draṣṭuṁ sarṣi-gaṇāḥ surāḥ
puraskṛtya sametās tatra saṅghaśaḥ

iti bruvati = when spoke thus; kākutsthe = Kākutstha Rāma; bhārgavam prati = to Bhārgava Rāma; roṣite = in anger; śatakratu-mukhāḥ devāḥ puraskṛtya śatakratum = devas headed by Indra of a thousand sacrifices; varāyudha-dharam = holding that excellent weapon; rāmam = Rāma; draṣṭum = desiring to see; sa-rṣi-gaṇāḥ = along with the ṛṣis; surāḥ = the celestial; pitāmaham = Grandfather Brahmā; puraskṛtya = keeping in front of them; sametāḥ = assembled; tatra = there; saṅghaśaḥ = in multitudes.

When Kākutstha Rāma spoke thus to Bhārgava Rāma in anger, the celestial devas headed by Indra of a thousand sacrifices along with the ṛṣis, desiring to see Rāma holding that excellent weapon, assembled there in multitudes, keeping Grandfather Brahmā in front of them.

The devas and ṛṣis had assembled to see Rāma and His greatly astonishing activity [of subduing Paraśurāma].