Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 77: The Newly-wed Couples Reach Ayodhyā
Text 1.77.16-17

अभिवाद्याभिवाद्यांश्च सर्वा राजसुतास्तदा।
स्वं स्वं गृहमथासाद्य कुवेरभवनोपमम्॥

गोभिर्धनैश्च धान्यैश्च तर्पयित्वा द्विजोत्तमान्।
रेमिरे मुदिताः सर्वा भर्तृभिः सहिता रहः॥

abhivādyābhivādyāṁś ca sarvā rāja-sutās tadā
svaṁ gṛham athāsādya kuvera-bhavanopamam

gobhir dhanaiś ca dhānyaiś ca tarpayitvā dvijottamān
muditāḥ sarvā bhartṛbhiḥ sahitā rahaḥ

abhivādya = having offered respectful obeisances; abhivādyān ca = unto those who deserve to be offered respectful obeisances; sarvāḥ rāja-sutāḥ = all of those princesses; tadā = then; svam svam = their respective; gṛham = residences; atha asādya = reached; kuvera-bhavana-upamam = that were comparable to the residence of Kuvera; gobhiḥ = with gifts of cows; dhanaiḥ ca = wealth; dhānyaiḥ ca = and grains; tarpayitvā = honored; dvija-uttamān = the best of the twice-born; remire = enjoyed; muditāḥ = and then with delight; sarvāḥ = all of them; bhartṛbhiḥ sahitāḥ = the company of their respective husbands; rahaḥ = in private.

Then, all of those princesses, having offered respectful obeisances unto those who deserve to be offered respectful obeisances, reached their respective residences that were comparable to the residence of Kuvera, honored the best of the twice-born with gifts of cows, wealth and grains, and then with delight all of them enjoyed the company of their respective husbands in private.