Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 8: Daśaratha Decides to Perform the Aśvamedha Sacrifice
Text 1.8.17

छिद्रं हि मृगयन्तेऽत्र विद्वांसो ब्रह्मराक्षसाः।
निहतस्य च यज्ञस्य सद्यः कर्ता विनश्यति॥

chidraṁ hi mṛgayante ’tra vidvāṁso brahma-rākṣasāḥ
nihatasya ca yajñasya sadyaḥ kartā vinaśyati

chidram hi = offenses [in carrying out this sacrifice] [4]; mṛgayante = search for; atra = in the manner of performing the Aśvamedha sacrifice; vidvāṁsaḥ = experienced; brahma-rākṣasāḥ = brahma-rākṣasas; nihatasya ca = of the destroyed; yajñasya = sacrifice; sadyaḥ = immediately; kartā = the performer; vinaśyati = perishes.

Brahma-rākṣasas experienced in the manner of performing the Aśvamedha sacrifice search for offenses in carrying out this sacrifice. The performer of the destroyed sacrifice perishes immediately.

Brahma-rākṣasas are brāhmaṇas who have not performed their scriptural atonements, who have accepted in charity that which should not be accepted in charity, who have performed sacrifices that are not meant to be performed and other sins and hence have become rākṣasas. When they spot offenses in the performance of the sacrifice, they enter the sacrifice and destroy it. The second half of this verse explains what can happen.

[4] chidraṁ randhrāparādhayoḥ (Vaijayantī)