Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 9: Conversation Between Sumantra and Daśaratha
Text 1.9.14

ततो राजा विनिश्चित्य सह मन्त्रिभिरात्मवान्।
पुरोहितममात्यांश्च ततः प्रेष्यति सत्कृतान्॥

tato rājā viniścitya saha mantribhir ātmavān
purohitam amātyāṁś ca tataḥ preṣyati satkṛtān

tataḥ = then; rājā = king; viniścitya = after consulting and ascertaining a solution; saha mantribhiḥ = his ministers; ātmavān = the intelligent; purohitam = his priest; amātyān = ministers; ca = and; tataḥ preṣyati = will send [to bring Ṛśyaśṛṅga from the forest]; satkṛtān = respected.

Then, after consulting his ministers and ascertaining a solution, the intelligent king will send his priest and respected ministers to bring Ṛśyaśṛṅga from the forest.

He will ascertain that brāhmaṇas should bring Ṛśyaśṛṅga.