Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 9: Conversation Between Sumantra and Daśaratha
Text 1.9.6

तस्यैवं वर्तमानस्य कालः समभिवर्तत।
अग्निं शुश्रूषमाणस्य पितरं च यशस्विनम्॥

tasyaivaṁ vartamānasya kālaḥ samabhivartata
agniṁ śuśrūṣamāṇasya pitaraṁ ca yaśasvinam

tasya = and his; evam = like this; vartamānasya = while living; kālaḥ = his time; samabhivartata = Ṛśyaśṛṅga will pass; agnim = the sacred sacrificial fire; śuśrūṣamāṇasya = serving; pitaram = father; ca = and guru Vibhaṇḍaka; yaśasvinam = famous.

Ṛśyaśṛṅga will pass his time serving the sacred sacrificial fire and his famous father and guru Vibhaṇḍaka.

Sumantra now describes how Rśyaśṛṅga, who was a brahmacārī of the first type by serving the fire and his father, became a brahmacārī of the second type.1

1 It is impossible to be the extraordinary cause of the descent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead without the brahminical austerity of brahmacarya as described above.