Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 10: Ṛśyaśṛṅga Comes to Romapada’s kingdom
Text 1.10.22

आपृच्छ्य तु तदा विप्रं व्रतचर्यां निवेद्य च।
गच्छन्ति स्मापदेशात्ताः भीतास्तस्य पितुः स्त्रियः॥

āpṛcchya tu tadā vipraṁ vrata-caryāṁ nivedya ca
gacchanti smāpadeśāt tāḥ bhītās tasya pituḥ striyaḥ

āpṛcchya tu tadā = taking permission; vipram = from that brāhmaṇa; vrata-caryām = that they had certain vows to be carried out; nivedya ca = having submitted; gacchanti sma = left; apadeśāt = on that pretext; tāḥ = those; bhītāḥ = frightened; tasya = of his; pituḥ = father; striyaḥ = ladies.

Taking permission from that brāhmaṇa, having submitted that they had certain vows to be carried out, those ladies left on that pretext, frightened of his father.