Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 10: Ṛśyaśṛṅga Comes to Romapada’s kingdom
Text 1.10.25-26

दृष्ट्वैव च तदा विप्रमायान्तं हृष्टमानसाः।
उपसृत्य ततः सर्वास्तास्तमूचुरिदं वचः॥

एह्याश्रमपदं सौम्य ह्यस्माकमिति चाब्रुवन्।
तत्राप्येष विधिः श्रीमान्विशेषेण भविष्यति॥

dṛṣṭvaiva ca tadā vipram āyāntaṁ hṛṣṭa-mānasāḥ
upasṛtya tataḥ sarvās tās tam ūcur idaṁ vacaḥ

ehy āśrama-padaṁ saumya hy asmākam iti cābruvan
tatrāpy eṣa vidhiḥ śrīmān viśeṣeṇa bhaviṣyati

dṛṣṭvā = upon seeing; eva ca = merely; tadā vipram = that brāhmaṇa; āyāntam = coming; hṛṣṭa-mānasāḥ = with happy minds; upasṛtya tataḥ = came forward and; sarvāḥ = all of; tāḥ = them; tam = him; ūcuḥ = told; idam = these; vacaḥ = words; ehi = come; āśrama-padam = āśrama; saumya hi = O gentle one; asmākam = to our; iti ca abruvan = they also told him; tatra = here; api = moreover; eṣaḥ vidhiḥ = the respect [you will receive]; śrīmān = exalted; viśeṣeṇa = and more distinguished [than that in your place]; bhaviṣyati = will be.

Merely upon seeing that brāhmaṇa coming, with happy minds all of them came forward and told him these words: “O gentle one, come to our āśrama.” They also told him: “Moreover, the respect [you will receive] here will be exalted and more distinguished [than that in your place].”