Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 11: Daśaratha Brings Ṛśyaśṛṅga to Ayodhyā
Text 1.11.23

तावन्योन्याञ्जलिं कृत्वा स्नेहात्संश्लिष्य चोरसा।
ननन्दतुर्दशरथो रोमपादश्च वीर्यवान्॥

tāv anyonyāñjaliṁ kṛtvā snehāt saṁśliṣya corasā
daśaratho romapādaś ca vīryavān

tau anyonya-añjalim kṛtvā = having respected each other through añjali; snehāt = out of affection; saṁśliṣya ca urasā = and having embraced each other; nanandatuḥ = rejoiced; daśarathaḥ = Daśaratha; romapādaḥ = Romapāda; ca = and; vīryavān = the heroic.

Having respected each other through añjali and having embraced each other out of affection, Daśaratha and the heroic Romapāda rejoiced.1

1. Añjali refers to the act of joining one’s palms in supplication, as a mark of respect. Daśaratha and Romapāda offered añjali to each other.