Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 11: Daśaratha Brings Ṛśyaśṛṅga to Ayodhyā
Text 1.11.4
पुत्रस्त्वङ्गस्य राज्ञस्तु रोमपाद इति श्रुतः।
अङ्गराजं दशरथो गमिष्यति महायशाः॥
putras tv aṅgasya rājñas tu romapāda iti śrutaḥ
aṅga-rājaṁ daśaratho gamiṣyati mahā-yaśāḥ
putraḥ tu = the descendant; aṅgasya = Aṅga; rājñaḥ tu = of king; romapādaḥ = Romapāda; iti śrutaḥ = will be known as; aṅga-rājam = him; daśarathaḥ = Daśaratha; gamiṣyati = will approach; mahā-yaśāḥ = the greatly famous.
NOTE. In this regard, the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (9.23.6-10) describes the dynasty of Aṅga stemming from Yayāti as follows:
cakruḥ sva-nāmnā viṣayān ṣaḍ imān prācyakāṁś ca te
khalapāno ’ṅgato jajñe tasmād divirathas tataḥ
“These six sons, headed by Aṅga, later became kings of six states in the eastern side of India. These states were known according to the names of their respective kings. From Aṅga came a son named Khalapāna, and from Khalapāna came Diviratha.”
suto dharmaratho yasya jajñe citraratho ’prajāḥ
romapāda iti khyātas tasmai daśarathaḥ sakhā
śāntāṁ sva-kanyāṁ prāyacchad ṛṣyaśṛṅga uvāha yām
deve ’varṣati yaṁ rāmā āninyur hariṇī-sutam
nāṭya-saṅgīta-vāditrair vibhramāliṅganārhaṇaiḥ
sa tu rājño ’napatyasya nirūpyeṣṭiṁ marutvate
prajām adād daśaratho yena lebhe ’prajāḥ prajāḥ
caturaṅgo romapādāt pṛthulākṣas tu tat-sutaḥ
“From Diviratha came a son named Dharmaratha, and his son was Citraratha, who was celebrated as Romapāda. Romapāda, however, was without issue, and therefore his friend Mahārāja Daśaratha gave him his own daughter, named Śāntā. Romapāda accepted her as his daughter, and thereafter she married Ṛṣyaśṛṅga. When the demigods from the heavenly planets failed to shower rain, Ṛṣyaśṛṅga was appointed the priest for performing a sacrifice, after being brought from the forest by the allurement of prostitutes, who danced, staged theatrical performances accompanied by music, and embraced and worshiped him. After Ṛṣyaśṛṅga came, the rain fell. Thereafter, Ṛṣyaśṛṅga performed a son-giving sacrifice on behalf of Mahārāja Daśaratha, who had no issue, and then Mahārāja Daśaratha had sons. From Romapāda, by the mercy of Ṛṣyaśṛṅga, Caturaṅga was born, and from Caturaṅga came Pṛthulākṣa.”