Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 13: Daśaratha Goes to the Sacrificial Arena
Text 1.13.28
प्राचीनान्सिन्धुसौवीरान्सौराष्ट्रेयांश्च पार्थिवान्।
दाक्षिणात्यान्नरेन्द्रांश्च समस्तानानयस्व ह॥
prācīnān sindhu-sauvīrān saurāṣṭreyāṁś ca pārthivān
dākṣiṇātyān narendrāṁś ca samastān ānayasva ha
prācīnān = from the west; sindhu-sauvīrān = those born in Sindhu, Sauvīra; saurāṣṭreyān ca = and Surāṣṭra; pārthivān = the kings; dākṣiṇātyān = from the south; nara-indrān = the kings; ca = as well as; samastān = all; ānayasva ha = call through messengers.
Call the kings from the west, those born in Sindhu, Sauvīra and Surāṣṭra as well as all the kings from the south through messengers.