Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 14: The Aśvamedha Sacrifice
Text 1.14.6
ऐन्द्रश्च विधिवद्दत्तो राजा चाभिष्टुतोऽनघः।
माध्यन्दिनं च सवनं प्रावर्तत यथाक्रमम्॥
aindraś ca vidhivad datto rājā cābhiṣṭuto ’naghaḥ
mādhyandinaṁ ca savanaṁ prāvartata yathā-kramam
aindraḥ ca vidhivat dattaḥ = soma was offered to Indra as per the regulations; rājā = king of soma; ca = and; abhiṣṭutaḥ = was glorified; anaghaḥ = the sinless; mādhyandinam ca = the afternoon ritual; savanam = of offering soma; prāvartata = was also conducted; yathā-kramam = in the prescribed order.
Soma was offered to Indra as per the regulations and the sinless king of soma was glorified. The afternoon ritual of offering soma was also conducted in the prescribed order.