Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 16: Daśaratha Benedicted
Text 1.16.32

तास्त्वेतत्पायसं प्राप्य नरेन्द्रस्योत्तमाः स्त्रियः।
सम्मानं मेनिरे सर्वाः प्रहर्षोदितचेतसः॥

tās tv etat pāyasaṁ prāpya narendrasyottamāḥ striyaḥ
menire sarvāḥ praharṣodita-cetasaḥ

tāt tu = the; etat = the; pāyasam = pāyasa; prāpya = upon receiving; nara-indrasya = of the emperor; uttamāḥ = excellent; striyaḥ = wives; sammānam = an appropriate honor; menire = considered it; sarvāḥ = all; praharṣa-udita-cetasaḥ = their minds enlivened by great delight.

Upon receiving the pāyasa, all the excellent wives of the emperor, their minds enlivened by great delight, considered it an appropriate honor.

“Appropiate honor” refers to the great honor the king bestowed upon the queens by awarding the pāyasa in a certain order. The implication is that such a distribution of pāyasa in due consideration of the gradation amongst them, considering who should be given first and later and in terms of elder and younger, was approved by all of the queens.