Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 18: The Advent of Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa, Bharata and Śatrughna
Text 1.18.47

पुरे कोशे जनपदे बान्धवेषु सुहृत्सु च।
कुशलं कौशिको राज्ञः पर्यपृच्छत्सुधार्मिकः॥

pure kośe jana-pade bāndhaveṣu suhṛtsu ca
kauśiko rājñaḥ paryapṛcchat sudhārmikaḥ

pure = in his city; kośe = treasury; jana-pade = country; bāndhaveṣu = among his relatives; suhṛtsu = well-wishers; ca = and; kuśalam = about lack of disturbances; kauśikaḥ = Viśvāmitra; rājñaḥ = from the king; paryapṛcchat = exhaustively inquired; sudhārmikaḥ = the very religious.

The very religious Viśvāmitra exhaustively inquired from the king about lack of disturbances in his city, treasury, country and among his relatives and well-wishers.