अथोपविश्य भगवानासने परमार्चिते।
वाल्मीकये महर्षये सन्दिदेशासनं ततः।
ब्रह्मणा समनुज्ञातः सोऽप्युपाविशदासने॥
athopaviśya bhagavān āsane paramārcite
vālmīkaye maha-rṣaye sandideśāsanaṁ tataḥ
brahmaṇā samanujñātaḥ so ’py upāviśad āsane
atha = then; upaviśya = sat down and; bhagavān = Lord Brahmā; āsane = on a seat; parama-arcite = most excellently worshipped; vālmīkaye = Vālmiki; mahā-ṛṣaye = the great sage; sandideśa = ordered; āsanam = to sit down; tataḥ brahmaṇā = by Lord Brahmā; samanujñātaḥ = being ordered; saḥ = Śrī Vālmīki; api = also; upāviśat = sat down; āsane = on his seat.
Then Lord Brahmā sat down on a most excellently worshipped seat and ordered the great sage Vālmīki to sit down. Then, being ordered by Lord Brahmā, Śrī Vālmīki also sat down on his seat.
Vālmīki offered Brahmā a seat that had been worshipped for his usage. He sat down below Brahmā, as appropriate. Lord Brahmā requested the sage to sit down in order to compose a poem for the welfare of the whole world.