Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 20: Daśaratha Refuses to Give Rāma
Text 1.20.9
विप्रयुक्तो हि रामेण मुहूर्तमपि नोत्सहे।
जीवितुं मुनिशार्दूल न रामं नेतुमर्हसि॥
viprayukto hi rāmeṇa muhūrtam api notsahe
jīvituṁ muni-śārdūla na rāmaṁ netum arhasi
viprayuktaḥ hi = separated; rāmeṇa = from Rāma; muhūrtam = for a muhūrta; api = even; na utsahe = I cannot; jīvitum = survive; muni-śārdūla = O tiger among sages; na = not; rāmam = Rāma; netum = take; arhasi = you should.
O tiger among sages, separated from Rāma, I cannot survive for even a muhūrta. You should not take Rāma.
The previous verses described Lord Rāma’s nature. This verse describes Daśaratha’s nature.