Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 21: The Anger and Appeasal of Viśvāmitra
Text 1.21.6

इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले जातः साक्षाद्धर्म इवापरः।
धृतिमान्सुव्रतः श्रीमान्न धर्मं हातुमर्हति॥

ikṣvākūṇāṁ kule jātaḥ sākṣād-dharma ivāparaḥ
suvrataḥ śrīmān na dharmaṁ hātum arhati

ikṣvākūṇām = of the descendants of Ikṣvāku; kule = in the dynasty; jātaḥ = you are born; sākṣāt-dharmaḥ = personification of dharma; iva = you are like; aparaḥ = another; dhṛtimān = you are tolerant; suvrataḥ = of pious vows; śrīmān = prosperous; na = not; dharmam = dharma; hātum = oppose; arhati = you should.

You are born in the dynasty of the descendants of Ikṣvāku. You are like another personification of dharma. You are tolerant, of pious vows and prosperous. You should not oppose dharma.1

1 Literally, “You should not break dharma.”