Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 23: The History of Kāmāśrama
Text 1.23.14
अनङ्ग इति विख्यातस् तदाप्रभृति राघव।
स चाङ्गविषयः श्रीमान्यत्राङ्गं प्रमुमोच ह॥
anaṅga iti vikhyātas tadā-prabhṛti rāghava
sa cāṅga-viṣayaḥ śrīmān yatrāṅgaṁ pramumoca ha
anaṅgaḥ = Anaṅga (“the disembodied”); iti = as; vikhyātaḥ = he became famous; tadā-prabhṛti = from then; rāghava = O Rāghava; saḥ = became well-known as; ca = and; aṅga-viṣayaḥ = Aṅgadeśa; śrīmān = the beautiful place; yatra = where; aṅgam = his body; pramumoca ha =he gave up.
O Rāghava, from then, he became famous as Anaṅga (“the disembodied”) and the beautiful place where he gave up his body became well-known as Aṅgadeśa.1
1 Aṅga means “body.” Aṅgadeśa refers to the place of Kāma’s body.