Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 23: The History of Kāmāśrama
Text 1.23.4

कृताह्निकौ महावीर्यौ विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम्।
अभिवाद्याभिसंहृष्टौ गमनायाभितस्थतुः॥

kṛtāhnikau mahā-vīryau viśvāmitraṁ tapo-dhanam

kṛta-āhnikau = having carried out Their early morning duties; mahā-vīryau = the two greatly heroic Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa; viśvāmitram = unto Viśvāmitra; tapaḥ-dhanam = whose wealth was austerity; abhivādya = offered Their respectful obeisances and; abhisaṁhṛṣṭau = joyfully; gamanāya = to depart; abhitasthatuḥ = stood ready.

Having carried out Their early morning duties, the two greatly heroic Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa joyfully offered Their respectful obeisances unto Viśvāmitra whose wealth was austerity and stood ready to depart.

The early morning duties referred to here are sandhyā-upāsanā (chanting the early morning gāyatrī), brahma-yajña (scriptural recitation) and samid-ādhāna (gathering firewood for sacrifice).