Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 24: The History of Sarayū
Text 1.24.25

कस्यचित्त्व् अथ कालस्य यक्षिणी वै कामरूपिणी।
बलं नागसहस्रस्य धारयन्ती तदा ह्यभूत्।
ताटका नाम भद्रं ते भार्या सुन्दस्य धीमतः॥

kasyacit tv atha kālasya yakṣiṇī vai kāma-rūpiṇī
nāga-sahasrasya dhārayantī tadā hy abhūt
nāma bhadraṁ te bhāryā sundasya dhīmataḥ

kasyacit tu atha kālasya = after some time; yakṣiṇī vai = a yakṣiṇī; kāma-rūpiṇī = who could assume any form at will; balam = the strength; nāga-sahasrasya = of a thousand elephants; dhārayantī = and who had; tadā hi abhūt = took birth; tāṭakā = tāṭakā; nāma = named; bhadram te = may there be auspiciousness unto you; bhāryā = she was the wife; sundasya = sunda; dhīmataḥ = of the intelligent.

After some time, a yakṣiṇī named Tāṭakā, who could assume any form at will and who had the strength of a thousand elephants, took birth. She was the wife of the intelligent Sunda. May there be auspiciousness unto You!

Till now, the sage Viśvāmitra described the place as having been pure and hence worthy of being taken care of. Now he describes how it became terrible.

Tāṭakā had her powers since her birth.