Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 25: The History of Tāṭakā
Text 1.25.5

पूर्वमासीन्महायक्षः सुकेतुर्नाम वीर्यवान्।
अनपत्यः शुभाचारः स च तेपे महत्तपः॥

pūrvam āsīn mahā-yakṣaḥ suketur nāma vīryavān
śubhācāraḥ sa ca tepe mahat-tapaḥ

pūrvam = previously; āsīt = there was; mahā-yakṣaḥ = a great yakṣa; suketuḥ = suketu; nāma = named; vīryavān = and powerful; anapatyaḥ = he was childless; śubha-ācāraḥ = and of auspicious behavior; saḥ ca tepe mahat-tapaḥ = he engaged in great austerities.

Previously, there was a great and powerful yakṣa named Suketu. He was childless and of auspicious behavior. He engaged in great austerities.

This is the beginning of a description of how such a benediction was granted.