Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 26: The Killing of the Demoness Tāṭakā
Text 1.26.22
ज्यास्वनं चक्रतुर्वीरौ वज्राशनिसमं तदा।
मोहिता तेन शब्देन लब्धसंज्ञा चिरात्तदा॥
jyā-svanaṁ cakratur vīrau vajrāśani-samaṁ tadā
mohitā tena śabdena labdha-saṁjñā cirāt tadā
jyā-svanam cakratuḥ = twanged Their bows; vīrau = the two heroes; vajra-aśani-samam = making the sound of a thunderbolt; tadā = then; mohitā = she fainted; tena śabdena = upon hearing that sound; labdha-saṁjñā = she became conscious; cirāt tadā = after some time.
The two heroes then twanged Their bows, making the sound of a thunderbolt. She fainted upon hearing that sound. After some time she became conscious.