Canto 1 - Boyhood
Chapter 29: The History of Siddhāśrama
Text 1.29.26
एतैः किं मम राजेन्द्र तैस्तु नास्ति प्रयोजनम्।
अस्मत्पादत्रयाक्रान्तां देहि भूमिं विभो तदा॥
etaiḥ kiṁ mama rājendra tais tu nāsti prayojanam
asmat-pāda-trayākrāntāṁ dehi bhūmiṁ vibho tadā
etaiḥ = of these; kim = what is the use; mama = for Me; rāja-indra = O emperor; taiḥ tu nāsti prayojanam = I don’t need these; asmat-pāda-traya-ākrāntām = that extends to three of My steps; dehi = just give Me; bhūmim = land; vibhuḥ tadā= O great one.
O emperor, what is the use of these for Me? I don’t need these. O great one, just give Me land that extends to three of My steps.